
We work with enthusiasm, applying intellectual efforts and using all our experience in the manufacture of plywood.

We aim to maintain and enhance longstanding traditions of quality of our products.

We live one life with those who grow the forest and  with those who buy our plywood, sharing the values, aspirations and concerns of those people.

To make sure that our relationships with partners are mutually beneficial, we stay with them in constant contact.

We take full responsibility for the products we produce, and do not intend to compromise on the quality issue. We constantly invest in the production to ensure the high quality of our plywood.

We understand that market competition in significant, and in order to be successful and to earn customer loyalty, we aim to be innovative in all areas of our business, including individual approach to each client, the optimal timing of manufacture and delivery of products, motivation and professional development of employees, the introduction of new products to market and conduct effective marketing activities.